Santa's FOB 2024
Toys for Tots at the Miami Beach VFW
Veterans of the Miami Beach VFW is helping Santa out by turning its venue into Santa's Forward Operating Base decorated as if you are walking into Santa's Giant Toy Sack! Join us this season Dec 1st, 8th, and 15th along with the Armed Forces and Fire Responders by donating a toy to the giant toy piles located within Santa's FOB and drink hot cocoa, have cookies by Smith & Wollensky, take Holiday Photos with the family, and earn your very own Santa's Solider Badge (patch with velcro) by completing both of Santa's missions sponsored by Badger: Operation Gamify.
Santa's FOB 2024
Toys for Tots at the Miami Beach VFW
Veterans of the Miami Beach VFW is helping Santa out by turning its venue into Santa's Forward Operating Base decorated as if you are walking into Santa's Giant Toy Sack! Join us this season Dec 1st, 8th, and 15th along with the Armed Forces and Fire Responders by donating a toy to the giant toy piles located within Santa's FOB and drink hot cocoa, have cookies by Smith & Wollensky, take Holiday Photos with the family, and earn your very own Santa's Solider Badge (patch with velcro) by completing both of Santa's missions sponsored by Badger: Operation Gamify.

Santa's FOB 2024
Did you hear the BIG news?
Santa has a Forward Operating Base at the
Miami Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 3559
Mission detail is being handled by the US Marine Corps Reserve and Miami Beach First Responders
The Miami Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3559 is Santa’s Forward Operating Base for the first-time ever. The mission is a collaborative effort with the US Marine Corps “Toys for Tots” program and Miami Beach First Responders.
The VFW Post 3559 will be transformed into a spectacular and magical holiday destination, taking children inside Santa’s toy sack where they will experience huge piles of unwrapped toys, walls covered in red velvet and Santa and reindeer hoof prints assuring that the “Big Guy” has been to the “305.”
The room will feature a ceiling-to-floor festive holiday balloon wall, branded with the “Toys for Tots” iconic logo. Professional holiday photo, along with a Santa FOB keepsake panoramic video are available for a charitable donation to the VFW. 360 video booth sponsored by Events by TL.
1. Donate your unwrapped toy at Miami Beach “Toys for Tots” drop box locations or at Santa's FOB. Complete your mission by uploading your video of your donation to "Toys for Tots Santa's FOB - Donate a Toy" mission in Badger: Operation Gamify app. https://aisummon.com/missionCreatedPage?missionDoc=jDP9Js3lgrIikAd5KnDg
2.) Take a panoramic video of yourself with the giant toy piles when visiting Santa's FOB decorated as if you are stepping into Santa's giant toy sack at the Miami Beach VFW Post 3559. Complete your mission by uploading your video of your donation to Badger Operation Gamify APP "Toys for Tots Santa's FOB - 360 Video of Toy Piles" mission. https://aisummon.com/missionCreatedPage?missionDoc=wJT5xLix3zNMuDN3k5GE
After completing these missions you’ll earn the inaugural Santa's FOB badge, a patch with Velcro backing to mark your accomplishment as Santa’s Soldier.
Miami Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 3559 (Located at the Floridian Condominium)
650 West Avenue
Miami Beach 33139
Guests can access Santa's FOB via the ramp on the east side of the Floridian at the VFW Post 3559 accessible entrance.
No pets allowed inside the VFW Post 3559.
Sunday, December 1st from 12-4 pm
Admission Cost: Unwrapped toy donation
The first 200 children to visit this first-time exhibit will receive a special holiday wrapped cookie, courtesy of Smith & Wollensky.
Sunday, December 8th 12-4 pm
Admission Cost: Unwrapped toy donation
The first 200 children to visit this first-time exhibit will receive a special holiday wrapped cookie, courtesy of Smith & Wollensky.
Sunday, December 15th 1-3 pm
Santa to arrive to the 305 in style. The USCG will be at the helm for this special trip across Biscayne Bay. The USCG expected arrival with Santa is around 1 pm to the dock, located on the Bay behind the VFW, and at the same time the Grinch will arrive by antique fire truck with the MBFD. Hundreds will gather in the Post parking lot near the seawall Bay walk to witness this holiday special homecoming. Join in with a unique split screen simultaneous livestream from both Santa's and the Grinch's pov (point of view) of their arrival and award ceremony on Badger: Operation Gamify starting at 12:55pm.
The “Big Guy” will get a military welcome by the US Marines in full dress uniform. Santa will award the “Grinch” the first-ever and highly regarded Santa Soldier Badge for completing both missions of unwrapped toy collection and spreading holiday cheer for the “Toys for Tots” program. The community is also eligible to become a Santa Soldier by completing both Santa's FOB missions on Badger: Operation Gamify and will also be awarded the Santa Soldier Badge if completed by December 15th.
The VFW Post members have used this engagement to create a spectacular and magical journey through Santa’s toy sack that is sure to bring smiles to countless children. The spirit of giving back is at the core of Miami Beach VFW Post 3559 community activation programs.
“We set out to build Santa’s FOB and enlist the involvement of our Armed Forces comrades and First Responders in this engagement. The Marine Corps has an established tradition with its “Toys for Tots” iconic program. We wanted to make it a unique experience and special destination for children. Our mission has been successful and extremely well-received by the community,” said Post Sr. Vice Commander and U.S. Marine Alex Kruger-Dobrota.
US Marine Corps in dress uniform complete the mission with the “Toys for Tots” giveaway with Miami Beach First Responders and VFW Post 3559 members .
Cookies and milk with Santa, courtesy of Smith & Wollensky and McArthur Dairy.
This first-time Santa's FOB hosted by the Miami Beach VFW Post 3559 was made possible with the help of a lot of big-hearted elves, including VFW Post 3559 members, US Marine Corps, Miami Beach First Responders and our generous community sponsors and the VFW National organization “Still Serving” community grant program.
Santa's FOB Troops wish you and yours a safe and joyous holiday.
In the words of Santa, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Ho, Ho, Ho! Good tidings to all and to all Seasons Greetings.
